Beauty Way 2023

Clan Dyken ~ Revive The Beauty Way Tour
In support of the 32nd Annual Thanks Giving Food and Supply Run to the Big Mountain/Black Mesa region of the Dine’ (Navajo) Nation
Since 1991 we’ve been traveling to the Big Mountain/Black Mesa region of the Dine’ (Navajo) Nation to bring food, supplies, firewood, and labor to elders and families. These earth defenders have been resisting forced relocation since 1974 due to their opposition to the world’s largest coal strip mine. We’re part of an extended network of activists from around the globe who support the original people of Turtle Island.
To raise funds for the journey and awareness of the issue, Clan Dyken has been setting out on the annual Revive the Beauty Way Tour through the west coast of the United States for 32 years.
For all those years the members of our extended musical family have been supporting this effort. We look forward to the tour, followed by the journey to the remote regions of the Dine’ Nation to deliver your goodwill. Many of you have attended and/or played music at the shows, given generously of your harvest and other resources –you are part of the gifts of food, firewood, and supplies we bring to the elders and families. You have hosted us in your communities, sheltered and fed us in your homes, and sent us off in a good way. We are grateful for the role we get to play in this exchange and look forward to seeing you all again in 2023. Consider Donating Tools or Supplies ~ you can bring them to the concert.
We have the capacity to take tools, blankets, and coats if they are in excellent condition. Hand tools that are most helpful – axes, mauls, wedges, saws, and gloves. Flashlights and batteries, too. Chainsaws are in high demand.
You can also contribute online here. Any amount helps.
Thank you!