Just released music video for “These Days” from Water,Fire and Other Relatives, the new Clan Dyken album. www.clandyken.com for more.
Hear Water, Fire and Other Relatives
Click on the picture of the cover to listen to the new Clan Dyken album Water Fire and Other Relatives
“It was an honor to have the Dyken’s record their new project up here at Wind River Studios. This is a very powerful CD friends and I am proud to have been invited into the space while this magic and spirit were being created and captured. The singing, song writing and performing on this project is truly inspiring.” – Keith Greeninger
“ Okay .. everyone… I listened to this new CD by Clan Dyken on our way to Capitola the other day… it’s fantastic!! Jump all in and buy yours today. I give it a 10 thumbs up 👍” – Margaret Taylor
“This is currently my favorite CD
Support rural artists” – Tyx Pulskamp
Source: CD Baby | Music Player